UPDATE: God has provided every dollar of this amazing $10,000 goal that was set for us!
A $10,000 Challenge Gift
A deeply missions-minded family in Michigan has offered us a $10,000 matching grant for funds that God will raise up for us before September 30th.
How to Receive the Match
There are two ways for us to receive this incredibly generous gift. This loving family will donate…
1. $100 for every $10 in increased monthly giving. Regular giving (monthly, quarterly, or annually) is the financial backbone of missions. Sadly, we have had several stalwart financial partners pass away in the last few years. As years pass and costs increase, we estimate that we are undersupported by over $1,000 / month. Thanks to this challenge-grant, for monthly giving, your first month’s gift will receive a ten-fold match!
2. $100 for every $100 in one-time gifts. This is a traditional 1-to-1 matching gift. One-time gifts are crucial because of the moving costs we are facing. Also, when our giving is short (which it is every month), it is one-time gifts that allow us to continue to pay the bills.
Two Examples
To illustrate, if God leads Joe Partner to increase his giving from $100 to $150 / month, that increase would provide us with a much-needed, $50 / month boost to our regular support and a gift of $500 from our partnering family in Michigan. If Josie Partner felt led to give a one-time gift of $500, that too would result in a $500 match!
Next Steps
Please feel free to see our list of one-time needs or give now on the Pioneers website. Because this is a challenge-gift, it is very important that you write to one of us (either Michael or Sherri) to tell us about your gift, so that it can be included and matched!
For monthly giving, your first month’s gift will receive a ten-fold match!