Church Planting and Disciple-Making Movements

Every European town needs a church ministry and every European region needs church multiplication, but such a vast vision requires church planting movements of thousands of ordinary, mobilized, envisioned believers each striving to get in step with God’s plan of multiplying His church.
When you see thousands of European believers moving along with the leading of the Lord to start thousands of self-reproducing churches, you’ll be seeing the fruit of a grand vision – church planting movements in Europe! And if you want to change Europe, it truly will take a supernatural movement.
Only the Spirit can launch a movement, but we can certainly be involved in preparing the soil. We want to do everything possible to be ready for His moving! And we know that God is at work in other people’s hearts as we’ve already found Europeans who are responding to the same call from the Lord.
In 2008 a new church was born in the unreached city of Alatri. The church planter, Pastor Luciano, who dreams of starting two more churches in nearby towns, wrote to us to say, “One day while surfing between various sites on the net, I ran into “Mission For You”. I was shocked to the core to discover the situation of the churches in Italy. I downloaded some material, I adapted it to my needs and now? Now in Alatri (30,000 inhabitants) there is a protestant church! Thank you for your wonderful ministry. God bless you! Luciano”
Similar church planting projects are underway near Pordenone, Piombino, Sermoneta and Norma, Italy because of our website and speaking engagements.
The results have been very encouraging, but we’ll only know it’s a movement when we see the vision communicated, ingrown churches refocused, lay church planters mentored, resources developed, prayer initiatives launched, and churches started all over Italy!